University of Virginia Library

The Next Day

To-morrow, I am to be married. All my friends in the village come up to the house to visit me now each day, and they say pleasant and flattering things to me. They actually envy me! Me!

I have gone to my blossoms fifty times to-day, and have kissed them, and wept over them.

I wonder whether Shinobu will permit me to keep just this one little bunch of flowers? Maybe, if I go down humbly on my knees to him, and beg him to grant this little favor, he may allow me to keep just one little blossom.

I am keeping this, my little diary, in the sleeve of my kimono. On my wedding-day, I shall write “Finis” at the end of it; for, like my life, will it not have indeed ended? Poor little short-lived diary! Poor little short life!